

Opening of Agnija Ģērmane's painting exhibition "Where the Edge of the Earth Lies..."

On April 27th at 2:00 PM at the Livonian Community House at Kolka.

The opening of Agnija Ģērmane's painting exhibition will feature music by Lauma Liepiņa (cello) and Inta Pauļuka (voice). The living Slītere forest and marsh, lush green meadows and hills covered in heather, pines with silvery lichen, and the majestic coastline – this is the landscape that has been the source of inspiration and strength for the artist for decades.

Thanks to the hosts of the Mazirbe plein air, many impressions, studies, and adventures have been accumulated over the summers, allowing me to paint directly there – under the pines, by the river and the sea, or sitting in a thicket of bushes. In the many hours spent painting, closely observing the landscape, it feels as if personal relationships, conversations with the grass, trees, or clouds, are formed. This provides characters, impulses, and energy for the paintings being created in the studio.

The plein air has provided an opportunity to get to know and love the local people more closely while painting, allowing one to feel how the untouched nature's proximity and power influence the feeling and course of life.

/A. Ģērmane/

The exhibition will be open for viewing in May and June.

Admission is free.
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